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McIntosh MEN220

McIntosh MEN220

Product: McIntosh MEN220 Room Correction Controller
Characteristics: The MEN220 is designed to optimize the acoustic performance of your audio system by correcting for room acoustics and speaker placement issues. It utilizes advanced digital signal processing algorithms to analyze and adjust the audio signal, helping to minimize room-induced distortions and improve overall sound quality.
Build quality: Fantastic McIntosh quality!
Color: Typical McIntosh design
Suited for: Advanced digital technologies allow users to “Fine-tune” audio systems by eliminating room interaction.

MBL Noble Line N31

MBL Noble Line N31

Product: MBL Noble Line N31, CD player with integrated DAC
Characteristics: It has all the hallmarks that make us like MBL’s uncompromising design and pursuit of perfection – sound and quality.
Build quality: Top Tier
Color: Black with silver details
Suited for: Noble Line designed for audiophiles & design enthusiasts. A fantastic CD player!

DS Audio E1 Equalizer

DS Audio E1 Equalizer

Product: DS Audio E1 Equalizer. Phono amplifier for optical cartridges
Characteristics: Fast, correct and neutral
Build quality: The best!
Color: Silver
Suited for: You who want to step into new technology where classic vinyl problems have been overcome and the reproduction has become significantly better. Everything is still analog and mechanical. The DS Audio DS-E1 is the entry-level model.



Product: LUMIN P1 Streamer, Pre amplifier, DAC
Characteristics: Fitted with streamer, pre amplifier and DAC. A very versatile product!
Build quality: Very high
Color: Silver
Suited for: Lumin P1, the most flexible player yet by Lumin. LUMIN P1 is designed to sit right in the heart of your audio system.

Accuphase Model T-103 FM Stereo Tuner

Accuphase Model T-103 FM Stereo Tuner

Product: Accuphase Model T-103 FM Stereo Tuner
Characteristics: The Accuphase T-103 is a high-end FM stereo tuner produced by the Japanese audio manufacturer Accuphase.
Build quality: Very high
Color: Silver and black
Suited for: The T-103 is dedicated to FM radio reception and is designed to deliver high-quality FM stereo broadcasts.

Boulder 860 Stereo Power Amp

Boulder 860 Stereo Power Amp

Product: Boulder 860 Stereo Power Amp
Characteristics: The ability to throw precise images of an instrument, a singer, or the sections of an ensemble onto a very wide, deep soundstage
Build quality: Super, rigid and durable
Color: Silver front and top with black sides.
Suited for: The 860 power amp was superb at capturing harmonic overtones and dynamic contrasts, at placing images precisely on a soundstage, and at illuminating that soundstage.

Clearaudio Performance DC

Clearaudio Performance DC

Product: Clearaudio Performance DC
Characteristics: Great recordplayer with cool estethics. Clarify tonearm and Vituoso V2 cartridge.
Build quality: Very good
Color: Black Aluminium
Suited for: Anyone seeking a well built, well playing good to look at recordplayer.