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Technics SL-1300G

Technics SL-1300G

Produkttyp: Technics SL-1300G, Skivspelare
Karaktär: Ny generation Grand Class skivspelare med Hi-Fi-design med ΔΣ-Drive, en ny motordrivningsteknik som ger hög rotationsnoggrannhet och minimerar vibrationer. Skivspelarens nya motor, skivtallrik i tre lager och chassi med hög styvhet garanterar ännu högre ljudkvalitet.
Byggkvalitet: Toppklass
Färg: Silver/Svart
Passar för: Dig som vill ha det bästa ur din vinylsamling.

Thales Turntable TTT-Slim With Easy Tonearm

Thales Turntable TTT-Slim With Easy Tonearm

Product: Thales Turntable TTT-Slim With Thales Easy tonearm
Characteristics: The Thales Turntable TTT-Slim is a high-precision, audiophile-grade turntable known for its meticulous engineering and exceptional performance.
Build quality: Topclass!
Color: Black
Suited for: The Thales Turntable TTT-Slim is a superbly engineered turntable that combines compact design with exceptional performance. Its precision belt-drive system, high-quality materials, and advanced isolation features make it an outstanding choice for those seeking top-tier vinyl playback. With its focus on accuracy and musicality, the TTT-Slim delivers an unparalleled listening experience, making it a prized component in any high-fidelity audio system.

Clearaudio Performance DC

Clearaudio Performance DC

Product: Clearaudio Performance DC
Characteristics: Great recordplayer with cool estethics. Clarify tonearm and Vituoso V2 cartridge.
Build quality: Very good
Color: Black Aluminium
Suited for: Anyone seeking a well built, well playing good to look at recordplayer.


Transrotor Zet 1

Transrotor Zet 1

Product: Highend record player
Characteristics: Solid and detailed reproduction
Build quality: Excellent
Suited for: Someone looking for a high quality player with a standout design.
Color: Matte White, Black, Chrome.
Tonearm – Transrotor 800-S Silver.
Phono + Power Supply – Transrotor MC 8.
Stand – ZET Series Stand.


The following beyond full functionality applies for this Transrotor Zet 1

  • In excellent condition
  • No box
  • Original price, app 126 000 Sek