The sound of the SPU cartridge is characterized by a rich bass and a transparent treble range plus those extra qualities which are so hard to define, but so easy to appreciate when they are realized.

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The sound of the SPU cartridge is characterized by a rich bass and a transparent treble range plus those extra qualities which are so hard to define, but so easy to appreciate when they are realized.
The sound of the SPU cartridge is characterized by a rich bass and a transparent treble range plus those extra qualities which are so hard to define, but so easy to appreciate when they are realized.
The sound of the SPU cartridge is characterized by a rich bass and a transparent treble range plus those extra qualities which are so hard to define, but so easy to appreciate when they are realized.
The SPU Mono CG 25 Di MkII is for the playback of early 25 µm mono recordings.
The SPU Mono CG 65 Di MkII for the playback of early 65 µm mono and 78 rpm recordings
Ortofon new SPU #1 models are perfect all-rounders for the newcomers to the world of SPU
Lovers of music will take note of a truly organic and encapsulating experience which transcends the boundaries of recording and undeniably blurs the distinction between what is live and what is recorded.
“until the Windfeld, I can recall hearing none that produced such perfect symmetry of tonality and texture at both ends of the audioband – without inducing boredom, or a sensation of wanting more of something”
Cadenza Black is optimized for an amazing tonal neutrality, dynamics and purity of sound.
Cadenza Bronze is a true high-end reference cartridge, conveying music with supreme precision, impact and dynamics.