Nästan 20 år efter att den mytiska förförstärkaren Nagra PL-P släpptes 1998 släpper Nagra ett av de mest ambitiösa projekten i sin historia, HD PREAMP.
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Nagra Classic INT
Nagra CLASSIC INT integrated solid-state stereo amplifier
Nagra Classic Amp
The Nagra CLASSIC AMP was designed for extremely high quality installations, which require high power while maintaining a perfect musical delivery of the Watts.
Nagra 300i
This mythical power amplifier designed round the infamous 300B triode is a special tribute to Nagra’s 60 years of audio excellence.
Nagra MSA
Don’t let its compact size foul you, similar in size to the Compact Range of CDs, VPS, JAZZ and MELODY, the MSA is a powerful yet elegant powerful amplifier.