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Solid Tech Model 7

Solid Tech Model 7 är ett par robusta, välbyggda och riktigt snygga stativ från Solid Tech!


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Solid Tech loudspeaker stands materials have been selected with outmost care to combine in harmony stability and aesthetically design. The stands have the same design pattern as the one used in Solid Tech’s rack systems. Five different models are available, each with a distinct design. Filling the stands with sand will improve performance as the sand causes stability that increases the low level sound dynamics. The stands come with spikes in the bottom to avoid any floor resonance. All models except model 7 come with a cable handling system integrated in the pillars.

Model 7 is a two-pillar version dressed in solid oak, cherry or walnut wood. The two aluminum pillars can be filled with sand together with the concrete bottom plate provides great stability. It comes in with a top plate made aluminum anodized in black. The stand is available in two height: 620mm and 720mm, and four different woods: walnut, cherry, black oak and oak.

Approximate price, there could be slightly changes due to customization

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Walnut, Cherry, Oak, Black oak


620mm, 720mm


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