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Solid Tech Balance Basic Single 3

Produkttyp: Solid Tech Balance Basic Single 3
Karaktär: Mycket robust och stabil hifimöbel. Benen är ihåliga och kan mer fördel fyllas med sand
Byggkvalitet: Mycket hög precision i monteringen av Solid techs möbler
Färg: Silk oak, White oak eller Black oak
Passar för: Dig som söker eleganta hifimöbler som tål att lastas ordentligt!


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SKU: solid-tech-balance-basic-single-3 Categories: , Tags: , , , Brand:
Brands: Solid Tech

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Solid Tech Balance Basic Single 3 is developed to color the sound as little as possible. The great stability is achieved by using thick high-density shelves and corner posts that can be filled with sand.
The shelves are available with or without built-in isolation. The isolation system effectively decouples the equipment from external or internal vibrations.

Balance stand is based on the same corner post as our Radius stand and offers the same scalability, which means you can build the stand both horizontally and vertically with the four well-chosen post lengths, namely 65.5; 150; 234.5 and 319 mm.

Balance is designed to primarily give as much highlight to the equipment as possible. The shelves are made of waxed oak to preserve the natural wooden feel and corner posts in anodized aluminum.

***Kontakta oss för val av färg på benen. Går att välja mellan Svart eller silver

***Går att välja Balance Iso Single 3 vilket är en extra hylla som på bild nummer ett.

Ytterligare information


Silk Oak, White Oak, Black Oak, ISO Version Silk Oak, ISO Version White Oak, ISO Version Black Oak


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