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Simone Kermes Bel Canto From monte Verdi To Verdi, Concerto Köln CD

“Coming from the art of baroque, I was prticulary keen t explore the wolrd of bel canto and – armed with my experiance as a baroque singer- to shed new light it´s unique works” Simone Kermes


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Simone Kermes: Bel Canto
Virginia, Movement: Icilio…Io t'amo!

Maometto Secondo, Movement: L'ora fatal s'appressa ... Giusto ciel!

(Die) Zauberflöte, '(The) Magic Flute', Movement: Zum leiden bin ich auserkoren

(Die) Zauberflöte, '(The) Magic Flute', Movement: Der Hölle Rache

Norma, Movement: ~

Betly, Movement: In questo semplice modesto asilo

Linda di Chamounix, Movement: ~

(I) Masnadieri

Adelson e Salvini

Semiramide, Movement: Bel raggio lusinghier... Dolce pensiero

Attila, Movement: ~

Si dolce è'l tormento


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