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Nasotec Swing Headshell 203A1

Nasotec Swing Headshell ger bättre spårning och eliminerar vinkelfel vid avspelning av vinylskivvor. Rekommenderas!


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SKU: nasotec-swing-headshell-203a1 Categories: , , , , , Tags: , , , Brand:
Brands: Nasotec

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Läs mer om Nasotec Swing Headshell 203A1

Why tonearm geometry? - For stylus's equal pressure on both groove walls.
Swing Headshell keeps equal pressure on both groove walls so sound reproduction is balanced between the two channels.
More details, more natural and more balanced.Sound improvement will be more than beyond your imagination.

Improves tracking ability.  No distinction of inner and outer groove tracking performance.
Well-balanced swing by two springs will make a wonderful groove tracking through the whole tracks.
To make it easy to understand what the 'Swing Headshell' is, it seems to us that the 'Swing Headshell' is another short arm. Due to having a soft joint, short and light arm with 'Swing Headshell' can be tracked a groove more delicately with well-balanced forces.
How can it be possible about that? The stylus can be entered more deep in the groove, with the light and flexible swing, and track in the both sides of groove with well-balanced forces. We could check out the performance of LP test. And also we make sure that our customers will be found an excellent tracking and resonance in our product.

Minimizes tonearm resonance.  
The most of vibration occurred in a cartridge is cleared away through the joint and the extremely small amount of the vibration is transferred to the arm.

According to our comparison test of tonearm resonance, we could find the arm equipped with 'Swing Headshell' is much superior to any other common type of arm existed at present for the tonearm resonance. Due to the joint equipped with 'Swing Headshell', the resonance is more excellent than one-body headshell or tonearm.

Extends lifespan of the stylus.
We can expect a long life span of the stylus since the soft and flexible swing reduce the pressure of stylus and not to wear in one-sided.


Features of the new spring version
Two springs hold swing head: more dynamic and more firm bass
Perfect swing balancing: better tracking ability
Easy to set up

Gross weight: 11.9g
Swing head weight: 4.5g
CNC machined aluminum

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Black, Red




  1. Teodor Sanden

    Nasotec-Swing Headshell 202A1
    ONE OF THE problems with a conventional tonearm is that the cartridge follows an arc as it tracks the groove from the outside of an LP to the inside. When an LP is first cut at the studio, the groove is etched using a lathe that is tracked straight across the radius of the record in a linear manner. Ideally, a cartridge should also track the record linearly during playback, but linear tracking tonearms are often expensive.

    Swing out sister

    The compromise is to use a pivoting tonearm, but this means the stylus is only perpendicular to the groove at two points along the arc. The Swing Headshell 202A1 addresses the variance at the other parts of the arc by twisting the cartridge as it plays using the force from the drag of the stylus in the groove. Using a Lyra Clavis DC moving-coil cartridge fitted to the headshell of a Jelco SA-750 tonearm on an ISOkinetik Modular 1.5 turntable (HFC 371), I connect the supplied cartridge leads, adjust the springs and set the tracking weight accordingly. I can see that the reference hairlines on the headshell are correctly lined up and I move the arm to start playing an LP. Cueing is a little tricky as the cartridge tends to wobble as I move the tonearm into position. Compared with my usual fixed headshell, the differences are very subtle, but I experience a little more air around instruments, regardless of the position of the arm across the record – suggesting the mechanism is doing its stuff and may result in even greater benefits on other tonearms. NR

    -HI-FI Choice

  2. acshop

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