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Meze Audio Mini XLR Copper PCUHD Premium Cables

Meze Audio tillverkar högkvalitativa kablar till dina hörlurars med kontaktering som uppfyller alla önskemål!


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SKU: meze-audio-empyrean-mini-xlr-to-4-4mm Categories: , , Tags: , , , , Brand:
Brands: Meze Audio

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CUHD cable to Empyrean

Manufactured using state of the art High-Purity Oxygen-Free Copper wire the Japanese Furukawa PCUHD stand for Pure Copper ultra high drawability.

By combining a molding process that uses no heat resistant materials with post-processing free from hot extrusion or rolling processes, the product can be mass-produced in a way that excludes inclusions and impurities. While the product is a 4N grade material (copper purity 99.99%), it possesses high malleability and drawability that allows processing up to superfine wires.

Oxygen is one of the most common impurities in copper products. For this reason, no gas burners are used during the manufacturing processes and the insides of the equipment are filled with noble gases. Through these methods we have succeeded in controlling oxygen to 5ppm, which is below the standard required for oxygen-free copper.

It all started when Antonio was searching for a pair of headphones that he could relate to, in the same way he felt connected to his Fender Stratocaster guitar. An object to pour his passion for music in. An object full of personality and life, which also incorporates the attributes of a high-end technology.

Meze Audio was founded in 2011 in Baia Mare, Romania. We started small, acquiring knowledge by experimenting with parts already on the market, searching and researching for the right materials and engineering solutions in the quest for the perfect sound and feel.

Our breakthrough year was 2015, when, after many years of development, the 99 Classics were launched. They keep receiving awards and nominations that are beyond anyone’s expectations and are placing the 99 at the top of its category.

Today all our models, headphones and earphones, are developed in-house from the ground up, in the spirit of our original 'no-compromise' vision.

Obsessing with quality in sound and build, We create high-end headphones, so we obsess about sound quality.

Every aspect counts. The engineering, choice of materials, the precision of craftsmanship, the reliability are all equally important. We also make parts easily replaceable.

All of these to ensure that a feeling of trust will accompany your every interaction with a Meze.

Vivid and immersive. The sound signature is tuned for long listening sessions same as the ergonomics: clarity without harshness, freshness without fatigue.

We know a headphone is complete when it makes you forget about the outside world and takes you for a dive into the universe of your own feelings.

Development process
As long as it takes to get the right result. Our headphones undergo a meticulous development process whereby every possible aspect is refined.

We engineer with durability in mind. We create many iterations of sound tuning and frame until we reach the perfect balance; we prefer to go through as many trials as humanly possible.

We don’t push products to the market due to deadline, but only when the product is fully matured. Our priority is the design and development of a good product with great sound.

All business decisions are secondary to the quality of our products. We will never release a product because of marketing or management deadlines.

But only when the product is perfect by our standards.

Ytterligare information


Mini XLR to 3,5mm, Mini XLR to 2,5mm, Mini XLR to 4,4mm, Mini XLR to 4 Pin XLR, Mini XLR to 6,35mm


  1. acshop

    Jag köpte en hörlurskabel från Meze av Audioconcept. Kabeln är av mycket god kvalitet, med god passform i kontakter och välgjorda anslutningar. Kabeln är avsedd för Mezes hörlurar men då även Audeze använder mini-XLR4 så passar de till mina LCD-XC också. Längden, 3m, var också en viktig parameter i valet av just dessa då originalkablar och andra alternativ är 2m.

    Ljudmässigt ger de ett mjukt och härligt sound, mindre “vasst” än mina gamla silverkablar från Toxic Cables men lika detaljerat. Prismässigt är de mycket konkurrenskraftiga och prisvärda jämfört med relevanta hörlurskablar från andra leverantörer. Bra kvalitet till ett humant pris, i min mening.

    Inköpsprocessen var enkel och snabb. Beställning via några knapptryck på hemsidan, bra information från Audioconcept och leverantörens distributör. Kablarna levererades vid dörren på exakt utsatt tid.

    Kort sagt, högsta betyg! 5 av 5 möjliga.

    / Bo Johansson

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