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Luna Cables Mauve Phono Tonearm 1,5m

Produkttyp: Luna Cables Mauve Phono Tonearm
Karaktär: Med många utmärkelser kan man med säkerhet säga att de är en av de mest omtyckta tillverkarna.
Byggkvalitet: Alla kablar är handtillverkade av Danny Labrecque han själv. Även den bomull som anänds färgas för hand av Rowan Smith.
Färg: Blå.
Passar för: Dig som söker en tonarmskabel till din skivspelare som bidrar med en naturlig och varm karaktär.


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Brands: Luna Cables

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With the same internal design as our Mauve RCA interconnect cable, the Luna Cables Mauve Phono Tonearm is available with a straight or 90 degree plug. The attached ground is comprised of three LCNV 18 gauge conductors.

The outer jacket of each of our cables is made of unbleached and hand-dyed 100% cotton, chosen for its flexibility and supplemental damping of resonance. For the colors, we prepares the cotton by dyeing the fabric. The high heat, along with careful and constant motion, allows for an even distribution of pigment throughout the entire length of fabric.

An award-winning Canadian audio company with an eye on sustainability, Luna Cables boasts a wide range of high-end cables featuring custom-made Neo-Vintage conductors. Launched in 2015 Luna Cables has already made quite an impression on the hi-end audio stage, garnering several awards and praise from audiophile aficionados and musicians alike.

Luna Cables is located in the Eastern Townships of Québec, a region known for its agritourism and artisan producers of wine and cheese.

Our headquarters, workshops, and listening room are situated in an old 19th century farmhouse, wich sits on 74 acres of land nestled between Lake Memphrémagog and a working maple farm.

Our custom-made Luna Cables Neo-Vintage (LCNV) waxed cotton tinned copper conductors are made to our unique specifications, manufactured in vintage braiding equipment that produces conductors just as they were made long ago, before the age of plastics. These LCNV conductors are used throughout our cable lines.

From braiding the conductors, soldering the connectors, and completing all the finishing touches, each cable is hand-built by the designer Danny Labrecque himself. This ensures the highest standard for quality performance.

Rowan prepares the cotton by dyeing the fabric on the stovetop. The high heat, along with careful and constant motion, allows for an even distribution of pigment throughout the entire length of fabric.

Music has been an integral part of my life since I began playing the violin at the age of four. I soon discovered that my fascination with sound and music extended beyond the art itself and into the technical aspects of high performance audio. My inquisitive nature would lead me to conceive and produce my own designs for various playback systems; namely turntables, speakers, and cables.

I was fortunate to land my first job in a high-fi store owned by Claude Chartier, who gave me the trust and freedom to build my own unique cables for our clients. This helped pave the way for me to really get familiar with various materials and techniques. One day, I had the opportunity to listen to some old audio conductors salvaged from a vintage radio unit I came across and the sound was a revelation. Over the course of several years, through extensive testing and research, I discovered the factors responsible for making those vintage designs so special.

After discussing these ideas with Erik Fortier, my co-partner, we decided to apply our years of experience working together in hi-fi audio, to create a new venture called Luna Cables.

I began my career in the industry working in one of Montreal's legendary hi-fi stores — Audio Centre — back in 1996. I had the pleasure of familiarizing myself with some of the best and most respected brands and equipment of the industry, and was later responsible for managing the high-end department. A special thanks to John Banks who gave me the chance to prove myself.

It was later that I met Danny, while working together in a new hi-fi store. We had great chemistry over the years, and I was always impressed with his extensive knowledge of equipment, not to mention his good ears!

In 2015 I left Montreal for Québec City, the old capital, around the same time that Danny first asked me to listen to his newest cable prototypes. There was no doubt in my mind that this product was special — it was perfect timing for the two of us to dive into a new project together.

At Luna Cables I take care of everything behind the scenes: sales and marketing; customer service; conceiving and managing parts and packaging; website upkeep; promotion; trade show preparation; communications; and so much more. Although Luna Cables is a new company, launched in 2015, it has garnered an impressive reputation for itself in such a short time and I'm excited about what we will accomplish in the years to come.

Rowan’s background is in maternal and infant care but in March 2019 she decided to switch gears and join the Luna team full-time. When she isn’t dying cotton or packing and shipping orders, she is essentially an assistant to both Erik and Danny, helping with everything from website edits, invoicing, ordering parts, and preparing components for building cables. Although she is new to working in the industry, she’s been by Danny’s side for over 20 years and has learned a thing or two about high-end audio. They have two teenage boys and when they aren’t working in the shop, they are all out walking in the woods or watching episodes of ‘The Office’ together. If Danny had his way, Rowan’s official title would be ‘assistant to the regional manager’.​


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