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Harmonix TU-800 Tribute Million Maestro

Harmonix TU-800 Tribute Million Maestro. Commitment to perfection. The most incredible creation


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Brands: Harmonix

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Harmonix TU-800 Tribute Million Maestro. Analog record tuning Matte Debut!
TU-800M "Tribute" Maestro is a Tuning Record Matte designed and hand-crafted piece by piece by Harmonix tuning maestro in use of his best tuning technology and selected materials. It’s only Tuning Matte can satisfy discerning record music lovers such as you who seriously matters the quality sound reproduction from Analog records you collect. TU-800M "Tribute" Maestro maximize immense potential incised on a record and grant you the dream of analog record music in a full sound scale.
It is the world only Tuning Matte removing the distortion caused by turntable mechanism - and by cartridge during trucking over record grove. The effect is miraculously impressive, the sound that one have never ever yet experienced.
The reproduction sound is natural, smooth and crystal clear with rich details, the sound stage extend in full scale like a live performance and, furthermore, it bring to listeners full of feeling relieved in mind and body lingering that you can hardly stop.
Recommend use in couple with our HARMONIX TU-812MX Million Maestro record clamp for even better playback sound reproduction.

Ytterligare information

Weight 30 kg

Black finish matte with silver color metal devices


TU-800M "Tribute" Analog Record Tuning Matte

Weight :47g
Outer diameter :298mm
Center axis hole diameter :7.5mmф
Matte thickness :0.5mm
Colour :Black finish matte with silver color metal devices


  1. ola68

    Jag har idag lagt min nyinköpta “Harmonix TU-800 Tribute Million Maestro” på skivtallriken. Resultatet är enastående!!! Den bidrar framförallt till att släppa loss musiken ytterligare i alla led. Du kommer ännu närmare den där magiska och omtalade “livekänslan”. Den känslan som gör att du sugs in i musiken och vill vara kvar där. Du kommer få ett stort utbyte av denna om du har bra komponenter runt omkring. Det har jag fått! Så om du redan har en bra vinylrigg kan denna med rätta komma att inta platsen som “pricken över i : et”.

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