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DS Audio Ion 001

Eliminera oönskad statisk elektricitet från dina vinylskivor!  För hög spänning i skivorna vid avspelning kan även påverka hörbart. Med ION-001 kommer du ner till 0-100V.


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SKU: ds-audio-ion-001 Categories: , , Tags: , , Brand:
Brands: DS Audio

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The ION-001 is a high-power device, equipped with a total of 4 ionizers, 2 each for positive and negative ions. The ION-001 utilizes a specialized power supply controller which suppresses the generation of excess ozone, preventing unwanted oxidation.

Vinyl records have a surface static electricity charge created by friction. Two common sources of that friction is stylus drag as well as simply removing records from their jacket and sleeve. The ION-001 effectively neutralizes and removes static electricity and our unique "fan less" design allows for silent operation.

Simply position the ION-001 next to your turntable and switch on when playing an LP.


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