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Cyrus CDI-XR

CDI-XR är designad att vara en referens CD-spelare med inbyggd DAC. Man har inte sparat på krutet utan använder sig av sin egna “Servo Evolution”. En helt egenutvecklad servo som bygger på att man läser så mycket av skivan första gången istället för att förlita sig på “re-reads” eller “error corrections”. Man räknar med att man läser ca 20% mer information än traditionella läsare vid en första läsning. Detta ger en betydligt renare dataström som skickas till DAC:en.
Den DAC man använder är precis samma QXR DAC man använder i förstärkarna.
CDI-XR är förberedd för PSU-XR.


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Integrated CD player
32 bit 2nd Gen QXR DAC
Servo Evolution technology
Twin analogue outputs
Optical and coaxial outputs
PSU-XR upgrade port
User upgradable firmware
iR14 Remote control included
Dimensions (H x W x D) – 73 x 215 x 360 mm
Weight – 3.8kg

About the new Cyrus CDI XR

Several years ago, Cyrus invested heavily in developing our own in-house CD ‘Servo’ mechanism, our ‘Servo Evolution’. The design principle is to read as much information as possible from the disc itself first time, rather than having to rely on ‘re-reads’ or ‘error-correction’.

Whilst it is true that the data on a CD is stored in ‘1s and 0s’, the way it is read, picking up different frequencies of reflected light, has analogue elements to it. Therefore, precision engineering can improve performance. Off-the-shelf mechanisms produce significant ‘system noise’ when the stepper motors of the mechanism are required to be used during the error correction processes when the data was not picked up on the first pass. Our ‘Servo-Evolution’ system reduces these re-reads and corrections by around 20%, producing not only a cleaner data stream for the DAC, but significantly less noise induced in the analogue output stages.

Upgraded components along with intelligently designed circuits using ‘counter-current’ methodologies to reduce noise pickup are in evidence throughout the design.

The fundamental principle is that power starts at the ‘quietest’ part of the circuit, before flowing towards the ‘noiser’ sections. Less noise is therefore ‘carried’ or induced into the power paths, limiting the transmission of noise inside the product. Whilst this sounds logical, the application in practice is incredibly complex, and needs to be considered at a system-wide level. Even the geometric alignment of individual components has been optimized to facilitate the cleanest possible flow of power and musical signal.

The DAC has been housed on its own shielded section of the PCB, again to help contain noise transfer

The DAC in the CDi-XR is our own second-generation QXR DAC platform with a key notable difference in its implementation. As a DAC usually has to handle a multitude of possible resolutions and input paths, their design is always a slight compromise on the best possible configuration for any particular source. In the CDi-XR, however, we know exactly which resolution is going to be received (44.1kHz, 16bit) and the incoming signal path that data is going to travel. As a consequence, we are able to calibrate our QXR DAC with incredible precision. We are able to optimize, not just the inbound data path and the data conversion itself, but also the filtering stages of the DAC to render the finest analogue output possible.

The CDi-XR, like all products in the XR series, has had a complete overhaul of the power supplies to each circuit section. The power supplies are much stiffer and have enabled Cyrus engineers to get the remarkable SE engine to run even more quietly.


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