Battery Supply
At first the ASR Basis Exclusive works from battery from a separate large power supply unit and it has a buffering capacity normally used for large main amplifiers- although you need only a very low power, Only some Milli-amperes for a usual pre-amplifier input !
Why ? – simple to get a very stable signal and to get the best possible working conditions for the amplification circuitry.
The signal of especially low output Moving Coil cartridges is some times only a millions part of an Volt, so it has to be amplified for about a million time and more.
So a very low hum from the turntable of a millions part of a Volt can result in an audible and annoying noise at the speaker that can destroy the pleasure of listing to the music.
So the best is not have any humming part in a phono stage ! How to get- from a stable storage like a rechargeable battery !
So we are using 6 blocks of large lead acid gel batteries in the separate Power supply unit !
From our over 30 years of experience with battery driven Audio amplification they are the best solution for this purpose.
But unfortunately the batteries are not complete quite also- and have some noise and so a filter and a huge buffering capacity is necessary.
This large capacitors are placed in the separate battery unit, but the most in the amplifier itself.
The circuit itself
The input is balanced – Why- cause a cartridge is a perfect balanced source like a micro- phone, and therefore we are using a specially Microphone – preamplifier circuit from the com- pany That, has makes integrated Circuits especially for Audio use.
So the input stage is fully balanced and amplifies the input signal linear.
The Gain, input resistance and the input capacitance can be easily adjusted with Dip switches.
The input resistances can be switched separate for the positive and negative part of the signal between Plus input and ground and minus input and ground.
Either unbalanced mode can be chosen by grounding the negative input.
The ASR Basis Exclusive has 2 separate input stages that can be adjusted individually,
so there are no switches or relays in the input signal path to get full signal quality.
Only after the first stage where you have a much higher signal with a very low impedance the signal is switched between the 2 inputs with relays.
This solution is sonically much better that switching at the input.
After the input selection relay the signal then passes Filters, to provide the necessary Coefficients for RIAA equalisation. These 2 Filters at the extremes of the frequency range -
The first one for very low frequencies, to cut away rumble frequencies below 20 Hz.
This Filter is switchable to 2 Hertz for even better low frequency performance in case the used cartridge / tone arm combination has no low frequency resonances.
The second is at other side of the frequency rand and damps high frequencies above 2122 Hz.
After this the signal is led into the second stage with a high quality/ low noise OpAmp.
There only a very moderate active Filter at 500 Hertz is built in, what means that you a very low gain variation from this stage.
With its very low output impedance the OP-Amp drives the unbalanced output directly without any resistors in signal path.
The Offset of the output stage is regulated.
The negative signal part of the balanced output is made with a phase inverter.
Signal detection
The Basis has a built in signal detection to protect the batteries as much as possible.
So only in case you play a record The ASR Basis Exclusive should work in battery mode,
And in music pauses switch back to battery charging mode.
For that a signal detection unit is built in. In case the output signal higher than 100 mV is detected the Basis is switched into Batt mode.
This operates only in mode „Auto“ . That mode can be selected with the central Mode switch. After about 3 minutes without signal the Basis Exclusive switches back to Line mode again.
Construction :
The ASR Basis Exclusive has a double-sided layer board with two very thick 105
copper-lead-layers. In the signal path only Polypropylen and Polystyren capacitors are used.
Additional foil capacitors are used to buffer the operational voltage.
The main unit alone has more than 860,000 F capacitors, together with battery unit it is over 1,3 Farad..
The case of the main unit is made from high grade acrylic material to avoid metallic parts, that may reflect and de-rate the subtle signals.
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