Product: Melco HA-N1AH40
Characteristics: A great music server
Build quality: Top notch
Color: Black
Suited for: When you are looking for one of the best local music storage transports.

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Product: Melco HA-N1AH40
Characteristics: A great music server
Build quality: Top notch
Color: Black
Suited for: When you are looking for one of the best local music storage transports.
Product: Melco HA-N1AH40-EU
Characteristics: A great music server
Build quality: Top notch
Color: Silver
Suited for: When you are looking for one of the best local music storage transports.
The following beyond full functionality applies for this product(s)
Musikbibliotek och uppspelare i fullbreddsformat
Melco N100 är ett Komplett musikbibliotek med lagring, välj mellan 2 terabyte och 5 terabyte